L-mail lets individuals
and businesses send letters to any postal address
via the Internet. We print and post letters from
10 worldwide locations and even lick the stamps for
It's for your e-business.
It's a differentiator. It's automated. It's profitable.
Integrate L-Mail into your online systems. Your clients will appreciate a personal letter in this age of impersonal email. Whether you send initial welcome letters, subscription details, invoices or follow-up a bounced email, L-Mail will benefit your business.
Send clients personalised letters.
Save on International postage charges.
Easy, fully supported, integration options.
Automate as much or as little as you wish.
Manage your mailing lists.
Remove the hidden costs in sending printed letters. There are no stationery bills and no queues at the Post Office.
With our 10 overseas
printing locations L-Mail is often faster than traditional
mail...by days! Keep in touch with friends or family
without e-mail. Its easy to use and fun.
You can write a letter from any web browser or your email account worldwide.
10 printing and posting locations around the world,
and more to be added soon, L-Mail gets your letter
to its destination fast. You can choose to have
your letter posted from any of the following L-Mail
Write a letter from any web browser or your email account.
While we are accepting letters addressed to Ukraine, where we can print and post from, our partner in this country is presently unable to process correspondence.