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L-Mail Integration Account:
There are approximately 6 billion people on the planet, only 1 billion have Internet access. By integrating L-Mail into your online systems you can communicate as easily to people with email as those without.
What is an L-Mail integration account?
By providing you with basic HTML code to integrate in to your online systems, an L-Mail integration account enables you to generate a letter as easily as generating an automated email. The code enables you to specify the exact formatting for your letter including images for logos, letterheads and signatures and also gives you the ability to specify which L-Mail printing and posting location your letter should be sent from. Your real-time online control panel lets you monitor letter production and manage your L-Mail account.
What are the benefits
- L-Mail handle your letter sending logistics so you don't have to.
- International letters don't have to take weeks. An L-Mail takes a few days as we print and post our letters close to the recipient from a number of global locations daily.
- People read letters, they rarely get deleted as easily as an email.
- As more and more email addresses get incorrectly blacklisted postal correspondence could represent the ideal way to remain in touch with your customer.
- Which creates the stronger impression an email or a letter? Create a more personal and longer lasting impression, show your customer you care enough to write to them.
- An L-Mail integration account lets you send letters seamlessly and as easily as sending an automated email.
- Tell the world you care. Offer to send letters and communications through our Braille translation service.
How could I use an L-Mail Integration account?
There are hundreds of ways an L-Mail integration account could be put to work for your business or organisation. The following is a list of a just few examples.
- Send a personal letter welcoming new customers.
- Automate the sending of invoices to those clients who still prefer paper copies.
- Integrate the sending of all standard company letters whilst moving the need to manage outgoing mail.
- Automate the production of debt collection letters.
- Fed up with customers forgetting their appointment? Send appointment confirmations .
- Confirm your customers live where they say they live. Send activation codes by letter.
- Send your newsletters to customers or members without email.
- Send communication in Braille to customers with sight difficulties.
How much does an integration account cost?
An L-Mail integration account is available at no charge. An initial £25.00 deposit is required to open your account. This is used as the opening balance from which the cost of your letters is deducted. Your account has to be kept in credit for letters to be produced and mailed. Reminders are sent when your balance reaches a predetermined limit. Letters are charged at the standard L-Mail rates. Discounts and credit accounts are provided for bulk users who should contact L-Mail for further details.
What support is available?
We are happy to answer any questions relating to the integration of L-Mail in to your systems. If programming assistance is required, this may be available but would be chargeable.
How can I get an L-Mail integration account?
To open an integration account, please click the register button located at the top left of this page and complete the application form. Once the application form is completed click on the link within the email that is sent to activate your account. If you have any questions, please contact us. © copyright reserved 2024.